Mr. Conrad Troha Jr.

Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt) – Jukido Jujitsu
Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) – Kokondo Karate
IKA Certified Instructor

Mr. Conrad Troha Jr. began his training in the art of Jukido Jujitsu under the guidance of Sensei George Rego in mid-2005. A year later he began his formal training in Kokondo karate. Since that time, Mr. Troha Jr. (along with his brother and father) has truly been among the most dedicated, loyal, and talented martial artists that the Florida Jukido Jujitsu Academy has produced. In addition to the technical skill and love for both the jujitsu and karate arts of Kokondo, Mr. Troha Jr. has been inspired and changed by code of Bushido (way of the warrior) instilled within the most serious students of these martial arts.

His early and strong dedication to Jukido Jujitsu and Kokondo Karate training at the Palm Coast, Florida dojo lead to a love for all things Japanese. His pursuit to understand not only the martial arts of Japan, but the language and culture as well – lead to him being only one of two students in his high school (the other, also being a member of our dojo) selected by the Rotary club to spend an entire year in Japan. Before leaving Japan, he earned a Gokyu (5th level) certification by the national government of Japan in kanji (Chinese/Japanese characters) proficiency. This level marks proficiency in 1,009 characters. It is Mr. Troha Jr’s intent to gain the Ikkyu (1st level) certification. This certification is extremely rare, even within Japan.

His experience in Japan was critical in shaping him as a person and providing a true appreciation for the authenticity that was infused into the Kokondo martial arts by it’s founder, Shihan Paul Arel.

Mr. Troha Jr. maintains a constant presence both within the walls of the dojo. In addition to his own training, Mr. Troha Jr. is a critical part of the instructional staff in youth Jukido Jujitsu classes. He also attends Yudanshakai (black belt association) training, and also receives semi-regular private instruction from Sensei Rego. Mr. Troha Jr. is also a regular attendee of the annual Florida and International Seminars of the International Kokondo Association.

On December 6, 2009, Mr. Troha Jr. was promoted to the rank of probationary black belt (shodan) in Jukido Jujitsu. His final evaluation was conducted by Kaicho Howard (IKA International Director), Sensei Rego, and a board of chief instructors from IKA dojo across the United States. He is one the two first Florida Jukido black belts promoted under the authority of Shihan Arel’s successor (along with Mr. Artem Gordiyenko). One year later, on December 4, 2010 – he was awarded full shodan in Jukido Jujitsu.

Mr. Troha Jr. is Certified Instructor by the International Kokondo Association (IKA). In 2011 he became the first member of the IKA from Florida to ever be promoted to black belt in Kokondo Karate.. He is a close personal student of Sensei Rego and an asset to the future development of the International Kokondo Association and Jukido Jujitsu in Florida.

Florida Jukido Jujitsu Academies (FJJA)- Palm Coast, Florida