Mr. Bradley Troha
Nidan (2nd degree black belt) – Jukido Jujitsu & IKA Certified Instructor
Florida Jukido Jujitsu Academy – Palm Coast, Florida
Mr. Bradley Troha began training at in the art of Jukido Jujitsu under the guidance of Chief Instructor, Sensei George Rego, in mid 2005. Since that time, Mr. Troha (along with his brother & father) has been fully committed to their study of the Kokondo martial arts, particularly Jukido. Mr. Troha is a persistent martial artist who enjoys hard workouts and the benefits it brings.
Mr. Troha began his pursuit of martial arts as a skeptic. Growing up, he believed most martial arts to be mostly about tricks, gimmicks, and inflated egos. Given the superficial nature of many martial arts schools one can’t blame him. Nonetheless, after being convinced by his younger brother to try a class, Mr. Troha was captivated! He immediately fell in love with authentic martial arts and the high priority placed on realism in self-defense practice within Kokondo. Given his early view of martial arts – Mr. Troha has developed a passion for differentiating between legitimate martial arts as opposed to, the more common, less then authentic approaches to martial arts (commercialism, gimmicks, fads, etc.).
Commitment is something that Mr. Troha takes seriously. He attends regular training sessions, black belt training, private instruction with Sensei Rego at the Troha family “home dojo”, as well as regular attendance at both the annual Florida Kokondo Seminar and the IKA’s International Seminar. He is among the special team of Jukido-ka who assist new adult students in learning “the basics” of Jukido and setting them up for a successful start in the dojo. He is also among Sensei Rego’s favorite training partners.
On December 7, 2008, Mr. Troha was promoted to the rank of probationary black belt in Jukido Jujitsu. This promotion took place after a series of surprise evaluations by Sensei Rego, Master Robert E. Robert, Master Greg Howard, and the late Shihan Paul Arel. Shihan Arel before, during, and after the evaluations spoke highly of Mr. Troha’s current skills and future potential as a martial artist. Along with Mr. Conrad Troha Sr. (his father) and Ms. Parin Majewski – he holds a special place in Kokondo as being among the three last students to be directly tested and promoted by the founder of the Kokondo arts – Shihan Paul Arel. In July 2013 he was tested and promoted to nidan or second degree black belt in jujitsu. At that time he also became an internationally certified instructor of Jukido Jujitsu.
Around the dojo, Mr. Troha is known for his quick reflexes, unique movement, and fast throwing techniques. Straight-line techniques tend to be among his strongest attributes – but he combines them well with the more circular throws that are highlighted in Jukido. He enjoys all facets of training from kata to multiple attackers self-defense.
Outside of the dojo, Mr. Troha is eccentric. He certainly is a leader and not a follower. He enjoys reading & writing, poetry, photography, and various forms of art. Although usually laid-back, he is serious about his interests, education, family, and Kokondo.