Jukido’s Throwing Counters Form

By Sensei George Rego; FJJA & Honbu

Kaeshi-no-kata is one of the formal jujitsu nage-no-kata in the Jukido Jujitsu curriculum as approved by Hombu. Kaeshi-no-kata is designed to give the Jukido-ka a fundamental understanding and knowledge of countering throws. The highest goal, through the practice of countering each individual throw, is not only to learn how to counter the throw but to understand it at a fundamental level. If you know how to thwart a specific throw, then you should understand what occurs to ensure your success in throwing.

Through kaeshi-no-kata the hard work of discovering the best method for countering the throw has already been done for us. This is one of the benefits of Jukido nage-no-kata. The student’s job is to both practice and study the kata (not necessarily the same thing) to better understand why the counters work as well as they do. Are the only valid counters presented in this particular kata? No as randori and our self-defense reminds us — kata and core responses serve as our best choice and reference, but being able to improvise is absolutely essential for one to be an effective student of martial aspects of traditional budo.

With the understanding of throws gained form this kata, even if you choose a counter that isn’t in the kata, it will work because you know how the throw works and how to stop and redirect each part of the throw. Therefore, your knowledge of what makes throws work is the greatest aspect of this kata.

Kaeshi or countering is fundamental to all aspects of martial arts training. When speaking of “kaeshi-waza” in Jukido, although the word nage is not present it is implied — but the concept of kaeshi is always present. Understanding why a technique works allows you to effectively counter it not simply using luck or chance. This idea of understanding the attack to defend from it is true whether attacked by a gyaku tsuki, mawashi geri, a bear hug, or an ippon seoi-nage. Therefore it applies equally to karate as well as Jukido.

This idea is paramount in kaeshi-no-kata and is highlighted throughout the kata. With the exception of the first technique countered (deashi barai countered by O-soto-gari), the remaining counters are not executed by other formal nage-waza, but rather a combination of tai-sabaki (body shifts), body placements, and push/pull mechanics timed perfectly to the speed and energy of the attacking throw allows you to use kuzushi and jushin for a successful technique. Other ways of countering are taught in Jukido. An often practiced method of countering throws utilizes other formal throwing techniques. Each method has merit. Jukido’s kaeshi-no-kata enhances all of your counters training. In addition to learning six counter techniques it serves to teach the fundamental points to each individual throw: Deashi barai, Osoto Gari, Ippon Seoi-nage, Tai-Otoshi, Morote Seoi-nage, O-Goshi. An easy method to remember this is the humorous, but useful phrase: Do It Mo.